You are here: FAQ > Documaker Standard Edition FAQ > Docupresentment Issues > How do I send your own SOAP message?

How do I send your own SOAP message?

For instance, suppose you send a SOAP request to IDS to generate a PDF file on the MQ request queue and you receive the XML result containing the PDF on the MQ result queue. How do I determine which reply message corresponds to the request message?

If you have multiple clients sending requests to IDS, how do I make sure each client efficiently retrieves its own results from the MQ result queue?

Can I configure IDS to use dynamic MQ reply queues or, can clients filter MQ messages based on the MQ message ID and correlation ID?

There are several approaches you can take. For instance, you can...

Use the APIs provided in the IDS SDK, including pure Java, COM, and so on. We recommend this method.

Set the UNIQUE_ID inside the IDS message you send. This is the value IDS will set as an MQ message ID on the reply. In MQSeries, it is message ID. In MSMQ, it is correlation ID.

Have the client application omit the UNIQUE_ID inside the message. In this case the message ID of a reply is the same as the message ID of the request message. The message ID is automatically assigned by MQSeries if needed. Keep in mind that you must have IDS version 1.8 to do this.

This approach is only valid for MQSeries. The client application has to retrieve the message ID of the message it sent and use this same message ID to find the reply message from IDS.